I am Louise Connop and I work at the Beacon Centre in Sedgley as the Low Vision Advisor since 2018 although my relationship with Beacon goes back many years.

I myself am registered blind and therefore bring a lot of personal experience of living with sight loss to this role; which I find extremely rewarding.  This enables me to empathise with many customers at different stages of their sight loss journey.

Living with Nystagmus (amongst other sight conditions) has its challenges, but there are many techniques, strategies, low vision aids and gadgets to help maintain an independent lifestyle.  Whether you are newly diagnosed, finding your feet in a new world or just generally have any queries or concerns that is what I am here to help with – from being that shoulder, needing advice, equipment or a magnifier assessment please do get in touch and/or pop along and see me


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Meet The Low

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Meet the Team Clinic Information About Beacon Sight Conditions

Louise Connop - Low Vision Advisor